Institut für Klassische Philologie


Dr. Tobias Joho

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Studienberatung

Latein / Griechisch

+41 31 684 35 85
B 144
Institut für Klassische Philologie
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern
nach Vereinbarung


Style and necessity in Thucydides (Oxford University Press, 2022)


  • “The Peloponnesian War and the State of Nature in Thucydides: The Coincidence of Motion and Rest”, in Polemos and His Children: War, Its Repercussions, and Narrative in Ancient Greek Literature; Histos Supplement 12, R. Bruzzone, ed. (2021) 17-45. 
  • “Burckhardt and Nietzsche on the Agōn: the dark luster of ancient Greece”, in Conflict and Competition: Agon in Western Greece, H. L. Reid, J. Serrati, and T. Sorg, eds. (Parnassos Press: Sioux City, 2020) 267-288.
  • “Alcibiadean Mysteries and longing for absent and invisible things in Thucydides’ account of the Sicilian Expedition”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 110 (2020) 115-158.
  • “Iterative Figures of Speech in Goethe’s Elective Affinities”, in Goethe’s Bildung: Dialog between Tradition and Innovation., J.-I. Eidt and Ch. D. Weber, eds. (Peter Lang: New York, 2019) 109-142.
  • “A commotion at the heart of Greek culture: Jacob Burckhardt on the defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian War”, Ktèma 42 (2017) 127-150.
  •  “Thucydides, Epic, and Tragedy”, in The Oxford Handbook on Thucydides. S. Forsdyke, E. Foster, and R. Balot, eds. (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2017) 587-604.
  • “The Revival of the Funeral Oration and the Plague in Thucydides Books 6–7”, Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 57,1 (2017) 16-48.


  • Kopp, H. Das Meer als Versprechen: Bedeutung und Funktion von Seeherrschaft bei Thukydides. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2017, BMCR, 2018.04.08


Vier Einträge in Der Neue Pauly. Supplemente Band 6: Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften, Biographisches Lexikon. (Metzler: Stuttgart, 2012):

  • “Erich Burck”
  • “Ernst Robert Curtius”
  • “Gilbert Highet”
  • “Bruno Snell”

Academic talks (since 2013, invited with *)

  • “Goethe’s Elective Affinities, Aristophanes’ myth in the Symposium, and the Dialectic of Enlightenment”
    Conference: Plato’s Myths: Tools for Thinking, University of Leiden (20 January 2024)
  • * “The Metaphysical Temper: Thucydidean Challenge and Platonic Response”
    Conference (in honor of Liz Asmis): Meaning and Morality, University of Chicago (4 November 2023)  
  • “Burckhardt’s Morphology of Crisis and the Paradigmatic Aspirations of Thucydidean Historiography”
    Conference: Κίνησις und Krise: Vom Grundmotiv antiker Geschichtsschreibung zum modernen Begriff, Universität Bern (July 1, 2023)
  • * “Herodotus and the realm of the divine: τὸ θεῖον vs. ὁ θεός”
    Classics Symposium Style and Necessity in Thucydides and Beyond, Colgate University (April 1, 2023)
  • * “Themes from my Book Style and Necessity in Thucydides: What is Abstract Style, and How Does It Relate to Necessity?”
    Classics Symposium Style and Necessity in Thucydides and Beyond, Colgate University (March 30, 2023)
  • * “Thucydides’ Account of the Motivations for the Sicilian Expedition, and the Transformation of Athenian Character in Sicily”
    Lecture to students in preparation for a trip to Sicily, Colgate University (March 29, 2023)
  • “Tragische Ironie in der Apologie des Sokrates
    Conference: 42nd Metageitnia, Basel (January 2023))
  • “An epiphany of the Homeric world: Goethe in Palermo and the garden of Alcinous”
    Conference: Homer in Sicily, Syracuse, Italy (October 2022)
  • * “Tragic Irony in the Democratic Court: On Plato’s Apology
    Conference: Irony and Democracy in Classical Antiquity and Modernity, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (May 2022)
  • * “Ἔρως and the Fate of Athens in the Peloponnesian War: Reflections on Thucydides”
    Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica, Delegazione di Como (May 2021)
  • “Tense Usage, Dialogue Form, and Characterization in Herodotus”
    Conference: Time, Tense and Genre in Ancient Greek Literature, King’s College, London (September 2019)
  • “The life-giving force and nightmare of Greek culture: Burckhardt and Nietzsche on the ἀγών”
    5th Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece, Syracuse, Italy (June 2019)
  • “Croesus in conversation: past tense and dramatic form in Herodotus”
    Society for Classical Studies, San Diego, CA (January 2019)
  • “Vergangenheitstempora und innere Form in Gesprächsszenen Herodots”
    39th Metageitnia, Strasbourg (January 2018)
  • “Die Tragikomödie des Alkibiades: Platons Dialog mit Thukydides”
    38th Metageitnia, Bern (January 2017)
  • * “Peloponnesian War and state of nature in Thucydides: the coincidence of motion and rest”
    Conference: Representations of Conflict in the Ancient and Modern World, Institute for Advanced Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (July 2016)
  • * “Nominalstil und Notwendigkeit: zum Stasis-Exkurs des Thukydides”
    Seminar für Klassische Philologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (June 2016)
  • * “A commotion at the heart of Greek culture: Jacob Burckhardt on the defeat of Athens in the Peloponnesian War”
    Conference: Defeat and the West, Université de Strasbourg (May 2016)
  • “Figures of doubling in Goethe’s Elective Affinities
    Conference: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Writer, Scientist, Philosopher, University of Dallas (April 2016)
  • “Zweierlei Art von Mysterienfrevel bei Thukydides”
    37th Metageitnia, Besançon (January 2016)
  • “Metaphysical language in Thucydides’ account of Periclean Athens”
    Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Boulder, CO (March 2015)
  • * “Longing for the lost world of Homer in Jean-Luc Godard’s Contempt
    Rhetoric and Poetics Workshop, Department of Classics, University of Chicago (February 2015)
  • * “Athenian eros and the tragic perspective of Thucydides’ History
    Winter Quarter Lecture for Greek Thought & Literature Humanities Core Sequence, University of Chicago (February 2015)
  • * “Thukydideischer Nominalstil: Stasis und Kinēsis”
    Kommission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Munich (July 2014)
  • “The return of the plague in Thucydides’ account of the Athenian defeat at Sicily”
    Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Waco, TX (April 2014)
  • “King Archidamus and the inversion of language in Thucydides”
    American Philological Association, Seattle, WA (January 2013)

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen

Per Suchfunktion können Sie auf die aktuellen Lehrveranstaltungen im KSL zugreifen.


Lehrtätigkeit in den vergangenen Semestern


  • Proseminar: Euripides, Medea (FS 2024)
  • Proseminar: Herodot, Historien VII-VIII (FS 2023)
  • Proseminar: Euripides, Bakchen (FS 2022)
  • Proseminar: Thukydides, Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Krieges VI-VII (FS 2021)
  • Proseminar: Homer, Odyssee IX-XII (FS 2020, 2016)
  • Proseminar: Platon, Apologie des Sokrates (FS 2019)
  • Proseminar: Homer, Ilias I und XVI-XII (FS 2018)
  • Proseminar: Herodot, Historien I und III (FS 2017)
  • Proseminar: Sophokles, Antigone (FS 2011)
  • Proseminar: Thukydides, Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Krieges I-II (FS 2010)
  • Griechische Stilbungen II (FS 2011)
  • Griechische Stilübungen I (HS 2010)


  • Lateinische Stilübungen II (FS 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2010)
  • Lateinische Stilübungen I (HS 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2009)
  • Sprachpraxis Latein III, gemeinsam mit G. Bechtle (HS 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016)
  • Sprachpraxis Latein II, gemeinsam mit G. Bechtle und A. Hänni (FS 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016)
  • Sprachpraxis Latein I, gemeinsam mit A. Hänni (HS 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015)